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Business Growth Made Easy: How Account Managers Have Tailored Solutions for Success

Last updated on May 21, 2024
7 minute read
Key Takeaways

  • Our account management team is here to help your find innovative ways to grow your business.
  • Here are four stories of our clients finding success with their AMs suggestions.

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FareHarbor’s Account Management team is dedicated to our operators’ success. They are ready to help clients reach their goals by offering growth initiatives, optimizing their Dashboard, and following up to make sure everything they suggest is working properly. 

Below we cover a few recent success stories in how our Account Managers have supported our clients to garner more bookings and improve efficiencies. 

Will any of these strategies work for your business?!

Improved conversions for Buckingham Branch Railroad

Account Manager: Rebekah C.a group of colorful flowers


Buckingham Branch Railroad experienced an enormous amount of customer phone calls due to a confusing book form. This not only disrupted the workflow for employees, but also hurt conversions. 

At the time, they had six items for their six different train cars, but it was discovered the average customer didn’t have a deep enough knowledge of each train to figure out what kind of experience they wanted. 

Growth suggestion

Rebekah suggested that this operator reduce their six items down to two to help reduce this confusion. Together, they completely reformatted the booking flow, updating headlines and descriptions, and adding the “search by date” functionality.

They also previously allowed customers to select their own seat on the train which was a feature that their average demographic did not necessarily want. Rebekah inferred that they should disable this option and instead allow Buckingham employees to choose seats for customers on the back end. 


The updates to their book form reduced customer booking fatigue and provided a seamless online booking experience — which led to more sales and higher customer satisfaction.  

More FHDN sales for Paddles Outdoor Rentals

Account Manager: Stephanie S.a tree in the middle of a body of water


While there was no specific issue with Paddles Outdoor Rentals, Stephanie knew there was a chance for this client to raise their bottom line. 

Growth action

Paddles Outdoor Rentals is a partner on the FareHarbor Distribution Network (FHDN), FareHarbor’s own affiliate program. Stephanie suggested that they build a page on their website called “Our Local Partners” that links to other activities through FHDN. This increases visibility for their affiliate links and makes it easier for their customers to book these experiences which, in turn, gives them a commission.


This client was able to bring in more revenue by taking better advantage of their FHDN partnerships and getting their well-deserved commission. 

High-priced tours now sold seamlessly online for Dixie Divers

Account Manager: Karla B.a group of people swimming in the water


Dixie Divers offers multi-day excursions that are considered high-ticket items. This pricing may deter customers from booking online, so they decided not to add them to their Dashboard, which was hurting sales.  

Growth action

Karla suggested that Dixie Divers put these offerings online with the help of a few FareHarbor features: deposits and payment links. Deposits allow customers to give a down payment to book and secure their reservation, and payment links enable them to settle up at their convenience — soothing the initial concerns. 

These listings were also built with several add-on opportunities (ie. upgrading accommodations or equipment rentals) which ultimately increases the total booking price. 


Putting these higher priced items online made it easier for customers to book and offered payment flexibility. It also increased their bookings for these items, boosted overall sale totals, and improved organization by having everything on FareHarbor. 

Fraud-free gift cards made possible for Scenic Helicopter Tours

Account Manager: James F.a small boat in a body of water


After dealing with fraud cases caused by gift cards, Scenic Helicopter Tours decided to omit gift cards as an item. However, James knew they were losing out on sales so he convinced this business to bring them back. 

Growth action

When James added the gift card item for Scenic Helicopter Tours, he enabled notifications to prevent the chance of fraud. With a paper trail for each gift card bought, it was easy to fight any claims.


Enabling gift card sales not only increased their revenue but, with the optimized set up, this client was able to rest easy knowing that their fraud cases would go down. 

To find more ways FareHarbor can help your business thrive, check out the articles below! 

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