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Facebook Pixel Fundamentals: Getting Started

Last updated on September 21, 2021
6 minute read
Key Takeaways

  • How Pixel codes track data from your Facebook ads to your website
  • Ways to use Pixel codes for remarketing & retargeting efforts
  • Creating & implementing your Pixel code on your website

Skill Level


If you are paying for Facebook Ads, you should be using a Facebook Pixel. Understanding how Facebook Pixels work (and how they relate to your FareHarbor dashboard) can be confusing, but we are here to help! Before we dive into the nuances, let’s cover the basics.

In this guide, we will cover why Facebook Pixels should be on your radar, how they work, and the first steps to set up Facebook Pixels for tracking conversions.

What Is a Facebook Pixel?

A Facebook Pixel is a code that you place on your website that allows you to collect data that helps you track conversions from Facebook ads. Pixels also help you to:

  • Optimize and measure the results of your ads.
  • Remarket to the right people – for example, those who have already taken some kind of action on your website, such as clicking “book now” to begin the checkout process.
  • Build targeted audiences for future ads and drive more sales.

Why Should You Use Facebook Pixels?

Have you ever been browsing the internet for a new pair of Nike sneakers and then begin to see Nike sneaker ads on your Facebook newsfeed? That is the magic of Facebook Pixels! Pixels allow you to retarget customers who visit your activity pages, but who leave before making a booking, increasing the likelihood of a purchase by a whopping 70%.

Facebook Pixels can be used to retarget or re-market to customers in various ways:

  • Someone who has visited your website.
  • Someone who added a tour or activity to their cart but did not make a booking.
  • Someone who lands on a confirmation page.
  • Someone who searches a specific query in Google that is related to your business, or even
  • Someone who has been flagged as a potential customer based on their online history or interest groups.

Other reasons to use a Facebook Pixel:

  • Track conversions
  • Revenue reporting
  • Analyzing sales funnels
  • Target custom audiences

Ultimately, Facebook tracking pixel data helps ensure your ads are seen by the people who are most likely to take your desired action. This allows you to improve Facebook ad conversion rate and a get better ROI. It enables you to see how your customers interact with your website after viewing your Facebook ad.

Best of all, Facebook Pixels are completely free to use – Facebook enables you to reach the right people, increase online conversions, and measure the results of your ad at no cost to you.

How Do Facebook Pixels Work?

It works by placing and triggering cookies to track users as they interact with your website and your Facebook ads.

You can use your Facebook Pixel to collect data on two different kinds of Events. An “Event” is simply a specified action that a visitor takes on your website, like making a purchase.

  • Facebook has predefined a set of 17 standard events, or
  • You can set up custom events yourself

How To Get Started with Facebook Pixels

Setting up Facebook Pixels only takes a couple of minutes, however, each Facebook advertising account is allowed ONE pixel. Because of this, how you set up your Facebook pixel is critical.

First, head over to Facebook, log in to your account, and then follow the steps listed below. You can also work your way through our convenient Facebook Pixels Checklist and track your progress as you go.

Create a Pixel

  • Open Facebook Ads Manager and click on the hamburger menu (≡), then select “Pixels”.
  • Tap on the “Create a Pixel” button.
  • Enter your website URL and name your pixel the click on the Create button.

This is what a Facebook Pixel code looks like:

a screenshot of a cell phone

Add the Pixel to your Website

  • When navigating the pixels tab select “Set Up Pixel”.
  • Choose the “Manually Install the Code Yourself” option.
  • Copy the generated pixel code and paste it into the website’s header code.
  • Turn on the “Automatic Advanced Matching”. It allows you to track conversions with more precision.
  • Click on “Send Test Traffic to your Pixel to check whether the pixel code installed and working.
  • Make Sure the Pixel is Tracking Correctly

Pro tip: You’ve already checked to see if the pixel code is working, but for even more accuracy, consider installing the Facebook Pixel Helper extension. You can find this free extension only on Google Chrome, and it will indicate whether or not the pixel is working properly.

According to the Chrome web store “The Facebook Pixel Helper works in the background to look for conversion or Facebook pixels and provide real-time feedback on the implementation. A small number will appear on the Facebook Pixel Helper icon to indicate the number of pixel events”.

Once you have your Facebook Pixel set up, continue your learnings with our guide on tracking as conversions with Facebook Pixel.

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