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3 Simple Blog Writing Tips to Grow Engagement and Conversions

Last updated on August 13, 2024
4 minute read
Key Takeaways

  • Write concise, relevant content
  • Talk to YOUR target audience
  • Dial in the main purpose of each piece of content

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Blogging is a valuable way to teach travelers about your business and local area, entice customers to book your tours, and showcase your expertise in your craft — so long as you are publishing the right content. 

If you’re new to the world of blogging, take a peek at some of our previous guides that cover the do’s and don’ts of blogging, the five elements of a successful blog, and finally three blog ideas to get you more backlinks

This guide will cover three simple techniques that will improve your SEO, help you reach a wider audience, and attract more bookings. 

3 easy-to-implement blogging tactics

Whether you already have a blog, are looking to get more traffic to your website, or are just getting started, below are three ways to make the most of your posts. 

1. Write concise, relevant content

Your readers do not want “fluff”  nor do they want a novel to find the answer they are looking for. For better engagement and a higher ranking with Google, write copy that gets to the point, is easy to read, and is scannable. 

Simple tips to write more powerful blog posts:

  • Include catchy, clear headlines that will show readers what they will learn
  • Keep sentences and paragraphs short and sweet
  • Avoid unnecessary adjectives and sentences that are not pertinent to the topic of your blog 

2. Talk to YOUR target audience

Think like your customers! You know your business and experiences best —  showcasing this knowledge within your blog posts can be the tool that makes them convert.

There is no need to waste time writing a blog that your customers do not want to read or will not find value in. 

You want to provide topical information, give solutions to their questions, or offer insights into why your business is the best to book with. 

Pro Tip: When considering which topics to post on your blog, start by thinking about the common questions your customers ask. 

A few topics to capture your customer’s attention:

  • Reasons your business is a must-visit
  • Benefits of experiencing one of your tours or activities
  • Things to do in your local area
  • What to know before visiting your business
  • Employee spotlights to familiarize customers with your staff

Ultimately, you want your blog posts to persuade customers to book with you and visit your area. Take their feedback into consideration and give them content they can relate to.

3. Dial in the main purpose of each piece of content

Any blog you write should have a specific goal. This can be to increase conversions, inform customers about the specifications of your experiences, establish yourself as an expert in your local community or craft, and more! 

Throughout the copy, stick to your main objective and inform readers if there are any next steps they will need to take. 

Possible outcomes of your blogs:

  • Get customers to do your call-to-action: for example, a “book now” button or a link to sign a waiver
  • Help prepare customers for your tour: for example, let customers know what they need to bring and wear to have the best time visiting your business
  • Leave customers with new knowledge: for example, entice customers to consider your tour or to come visit your town

For more advanced guides on bettering your blog posts and SEO, check out the guides below!

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